I present my photographic pictures and write about the subject, cameras, lenses...
I write about what I see through the viewfinder. My subjective view.
Despite an amazingly long summer, the garden life goes towards autumn, but we still have hower flies and sun flowers. A while ago I played around with the SMC Pentax-DFA 100mm f2.8 macro with converter (for reach), flash with diffuser on the K20D, and I was pleased with the result. Hope you like them too.
Middle age male, father of two daughters. Makes a living as a research scientist, working at Stockholm University. I like to consider myself an open minded, fair and creative person. Like all kids I had some dream occupations. One was to be a photographer. Another, the most persistent, was to become a scientist, which I did, quite successfully. But somewhere below the surface is still that kid who wanted to travel the globe with a camera (or several and many expensive lenses). On my photo blog I will live out that part of myself. Another interest that has been with my for decades, but grown in the last 10 years, are my historical interest, which has also lead me and my wife to research our family history. You can find the tree for example on Ancestry, but on my geneological blog I will write up some of the most interesting family stories that we have found.